When Children Get Injured at School

If your child has been injured at school, we understand the worry and stress you may be experiencing. Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for our children, but accidents can still happen. Knowing how to handle these situations and who may be responsible is crucial.

Common School Injuries

Sports Injuries

Engaging in physical activities can sometimes lead to injuries such as sprains, fractures, or concussions. While sports injuries are indeed common due to the physical nature of these activities, many accidents can be avoided with proper precautions. Ensuring that children use appropriate protective gear, adhere to safety guidelines, and participate in regular training can significantly reduce the risk of injury.

Playground Falls

Playgrounds can be a hotspot for accidents. Falls from playground equipment can result in serious injuries like broken bones or head trauma. Proper maintenance and design of playgrounds are paramount to preventing injuries. Regular inspections and upkeep of equipment, along with designing play areas that meet safety standards, can significantly mitigate the risk of accidents and ensure a safer environment for children.

Trips and Slips

Slippery floors, uneven surfaces, and cluttered hallways can all lead to trips and slips, potentially causing bruises, sprains, or worse. Schools are responsible for maintaining clean and safe environments for all students. This involves regular inspections, prompt attention to hazards, and ongoing maintenance to ensure that all areas meet safety standards, thereby minimizing the risk of accidents.

Bullying & Student Violence

Physical confrontations resulting from bullying can also lead to various injuries, both physical and emotional, with long-term consequences. Teachers and administration play a crucial role in fostering a secure environment for children. Educators can significantly reduce risks and enhance student well-being by implementing stringent safety protocols, providing continuous supervision, and fostering an inclusive and respectful culture.

Who is Responsible for My Child’s Safety at School?

Schools have a duty to provide proper supervision during school hours and school-sanctioned activities. This responsibility extends to teachers, aides, and administrators. Their role is to create a secure environment and actively monitor students to prevent accidents.

When Might the School Be Liable for My Child’s Injury?

Schools might be found negligent in cases of:

  • Inadequate supervision
  • Unsafe school facilities or equipment
  • Failure to follow safety protocols

You may have grounds for a claim based on premises liability or supervision failures. However, it’s important to note that not all injuries are due to negligence, so it’s important to review your case with an attorney.

Who Can I Sue if My Child Gets Hurt at School?

Potential defendants can include:

  • The school district
  • Individual teachers or staff members (in extreme cases)

It’s also important to be aware of sovereign immunity, which may limit your ability to sue certain public entities in some states.

What to Do After a School Injury

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your child’s health is the top priority. Ensure they receive the necessary medical care and document all treatments and diagnoses.

  1. Obtain a Copy of the School Accident Report

If available, this report can provide valuable details about the incident.

  1. Contact an Attorney

Seek out an attorney experienced with the complexity that comes with child injuries, especially when school districts are involved.

We Can Help

Navigating the legal process to pursue compensation can be complex. We can assist you in seeking compensation medical bills, pain and suffering. We offer a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your case and determine the best course of action. At Boltz Legal, we are committed to helping you through every step of the process.

Additional Resources

For more information and support, visit the Florida Department of Education for Safe Schools.